적당한 사진을 쓰고 싶어서 yoyo와 seaart에서 AI그림을 얻으려 했는데 (결론만 말하자면) 잘 안 되었다. AI얘가 '구미호'라는 단어를 모르는 것 같았다. 무슨 생성형 AI가 이래???
결국 ChatGPT에게 부탁했다. ChatGPT가 써준 프롬프트는 다음과 같다.
An illustration featuring a young female gumiho and a young boy together. The gumiho, a mythical nine-tailed fox from Korean folklore, should appear as a cute elementary school-aged girl, with long flowing white hair, fox ears, and multiple fox tails. She should have a kind and gentle expression, wearing a traditional hanbok in soft pastel colors. The boy should also be around elementary school age, with short black hair and casual clothing, standing beside her with a curious and friendly expression. The background can be a peaceful, natural setting like a forest or a quiet village scene. Both characters should have a sense of innocence and warmth, highlighting their friendship.
근데도 이상하게 나왔다. 구미호만 2마리 그리면 어쩌자고...
An illustration of a young female gumiho and a young human boy together. The girl is a gumiho, depicted as a cute elementary school-aged girl with long, flowing white hair, fox ears, and multiple fox tails. She is wearing a traditional Korean hanbok in soft pastel colors, with a gentle and kind expression. The boy is a human, around the same age as the girl, with short black hair and casual modern clothing like a t-shirt and shorts. They are standing side by side, smiling at each other with a warm, friendly connection. The background is a peaceful, natural forest setting that emphasizes their innocence and friendship.
다시 요청한 프롬프트다. 겨우 그림을 얻었다...
뭐, 나쁘지 않아. 하지만 완벽하지도 않아.
seaart에서 다른 모델로도 실험해 봤다.
yoyo에서도 더 실험해봤다.
그냥 내가 직접 그릴 걸 그랬나...?
이 일로 seaart에서만 코인 48을 소모했다...
해결법: ChatGPT에게 프롬프트 요청하기
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